Validitas dan Reliabilitas Kuesioner Intensi Bantuan Hidup Dasar Pada Perawat di Rsd Dr. Soebandi Jember
Based On the Theory of Planned Behaviour perspective, basic life support intention
is determined by attitudes, perception of a social norm, perceived self-efficacy,
control ability in performing basic life support. The aim of this study was to analyze
the validity and reliability of the basic life support intention questionnaire, which
was designed to measure basic life support intention among nurses. A total of 48
items were developed based on literature reviews encompassing four main
constructs: attitude, social norms, self-efficacy, and control ability. The
questionnaire then undergoing a validation process that included construct and
content validity (CVI), and reliability analysis, This study was conducted on nurses
in dr. Soebandi hospital jember. The questionnaire was distributed to 160 nurses,
of whom only 80 questionnaires returned. The results of the CVI test on 36
questionnaire statements found that the CVI value was in the range 0,85-1, while
the results of the construct validity test on 48 questionnaire statements were found
to be valid and obtained 21 statement items. Reliability test-retest results obtained
the value of coefficient correlation 0,75 and an alpha value of 0,669 which means
it is reliable. The final set of basic life support intention consisted of 21 items
measuring attitude (four items), social norms (seven items), self-efficacy (six items),
and control ability (four items) of practicing basic life support intention. Basic life
support intention questionnaire was shown to be a valid and reliable.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1542]