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dc.contributor.advisorYayan Al Fatah
dc.contributor.authorYayan Al Fatah
dc.description.abstractLebanon is a democratic consosiational system adherent in its government system, in which there is a power sharing in each sect according to Lebanese society. However, the implementation of consosiational democracy in Lebanon failed causing a conflict between the political parties. Conflict of political parties in parliament have also been developed to form bipolarity of some Lebanese political parties into two opposing coalitions, the March 8 coalition (Coalition of pro-Syrian) and the March 14 coalition (coalition of anti-Syrian/pro-West). Each coalition has the proportion of almost the same number of seats in parliament, so that both sides can take advantage of the very rigid constitution by boycotting the presidential election process that causes the predetermined constitutional quorum unable to be met and failure in the election. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the conflict of political parties in Lebanon and that impacted the Lebanon Presidential election in 2014.en_US
dc.subjectconsosiational democracy, presidential election, conflict of political partiesen_US
dc.titleKonflik Antar Koalisi Partai Politik dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pemilihanen_US

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