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dc.contributor.advisorRozi Rastafani
dc.contributor.authorRozi Rastafani, Sugiyanto Eddie Kusuma
dc.contributor.authorRozi Rastafani
dc.description.abstractThe conflict that happened in the Central African Republic was the expansion of similar conflicts in the surrounding countries or known as Domino Effect. The roots of the conflict in the Central African Republic has been happening since the country gained independence. A series of coups and political violence which often occur in this country are similar to those experienced by other countries at the surrounding of Central African Republic which are also in the line of poverty and political instability. This condition occurs because the role of government is not optimal. The authoritarian political system of Francois Bozize regime and corruption within government structure have promptted the resistance from rebel groups including Democratiques Union des Forces pour le Rassemblement (UFDR), The Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP), and The Peoples' Army for the Restoration of the Republic and of Democracy (APRD) and Movement of Central African Liberators for Justice (MLJC). Bozize regime then responded to the resistance by deploying military arms of The Central African Republic. This war ended with peace after rebels and the government approved an agreement. However, the government factually was not committed to the agreement, and the rebels were satisfied and then formed a new opposition group of coalition of previous resistance groups named Seleka. The conflict between the government of The Central African Republic and the rebel group Seleka was caused by two interrelated factors. These factors were structural factors and internal factors. The findings indicate that the background of Séléka uprising was poor domestic problems, the weak condition of the country, and the occurrence of discriminationen_US
dc.subjectCentral African Republic, seleka, rebellion, regimeen_US

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