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dc.contributor.advisorBudhy Santoso
dc.contributor.authorMohamad Firdaus
dc.contributor.authorBudhy Santoso
dc.description.abstractSocial and economic life of workers miners who have only livelihood as laborers miners brimstone with erratic income and mining products dependent on natural conditions, with the wisdom and the knowledge they have and the social relationships that exist between miners brimstone that is doing way meet the needs of their families. In the economic life of workers miners brimstone in the village of Castle, District Licin have difficulty in meeting the needs of families and miners in general. Mount Ijen serve as the main livelihood but with the state of natural resources so abundant labor miners brimstone have not been able to utilize natural resources in a fully because of limited capital they have and the low level of education possessed by the workers miners brimstone in the face of life are confronted on poverty. The method used in this research is qualitative method, determination of informants using purposive sampling, data collection methods, methods of data validity and data triangulation technique. The conclusion is in meeting the needs of families some of them sell handicrafts such as souvenirs made from sulfur on tourists, as guides tourists, traders fruit, farm laborers, motorcycle taxi drivers and a handyman this was done to meet the needs of the miners brimstone in the face of economic difficulties so that they can still survive in a state of deprivation Keywords: how to survive, miners brimstone, Mount Ijen.en_US
dc.subjectcara bertahan hidup, penambang batu belerang, Gunung Ijenen_US
dc.titleCara Bertahan Hidup Penambang Batu Belerang Tradisional Untuk Mencukupien_US

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