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dc.contributor.advisorSri Wahyuningsih
dc.contributor.advisorHeru Ernanda
dc.contributor.authorDesy Indah Permatasari
dc.contributor.authorHeru Ernanda
dc.contributor.authorSri Wahyuningsih
dc.description.abstractAssets irrigation in the region of UPTD Bangsalsari as much as 24 weir. The method used to determine the condition and functionality of the asset was Irrigation Asset Management (PAI)method. Based on the calculation of the PAI method in 2013, 14 weir with good condition, 7 weir with lightly damaged condition, 2 weir with a damaged condition, and one weir with a badly damaged condition. While the function ality of assets, 14 weir works well, 8 weir less functional, 1 weir bad, and 1 weir was not work. Based on the Spearman Rank correlation test the entire watershed assessment and the whole assesment between PAI method and interpreter were different.en_US
dc.subjectassessment of the condition and functionen_US
dc.subjectcorrelation Spearman Ranken_US
dc.titleKajian Penetapan Urutan Prioritas Perbaikan Bendung Berbasis Pengelolaan Aset Irigasi (PAI)en_US

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