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dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Feri
dc.contributor.authorWibisono, Sunlip
dc.contributor.authorIstiyani, Nanik
dc.description.abstractLabor is a factor that greatly affects the productivity of an enterprise because labor is more important than the factors of production and capital. Labour productivity is a measure of how well human or labor force is used in a production process to achieve the desired results (outputs). This research aimed to determine the influence of education, length of service and age on productivity of coffee picking labor at Blawan Plantation Plalangan Region of PTPN XII (Persero), District of Sempol, Bondowoso Regency. Parsial test showed that the factors of education (X1) on productivity of coffee picking labor (Y) the affected positively and significantly; factor of length of service (X2) on productivity of coffee picking labor (Y) the affected positively and significantly; factor of age (X3) on productivity of coffee picking labor (Y) the affected positive and significant effect. Simultan test showed that the factors of education , length of service , and age on productivity of coffee picking labor the affected positively and significantly.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesARTIKEL ILMIAH MAHASISWA;
dc.subjectTenaga kerja,en_US
dc.subjectMasa kerjaen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Petik Kopi Afdeling Plalangan Di PTPN XII (persero) Kebun Blawan Kecamatan Sempol Kabupaten Bondowosoen_US

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