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dc.contributor.authorMuhammad Arif Kurniawan
dc.description.abstractJember have the potential in terms of agriculture, especially the soybean plant. Pesticides can cause a bad impact on the environment and human health. The purpose of this research is description and analysis the use of pesticides by soybean farmers and pesticide residues (lamda cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, and chlorpyriphos) at farm soil in the village of sukorejo subdistrict bangsalsari district jember. This research uses descriptive methods with the purpose of illustrating the use of pesticides for farmer’s soybeans and the pesticide runoff on the ground. Soil samples were taken just one point with a depth of 1 cm, 3 cm and 5 cm. The result of the research indicates that farmer’s have an age average 41 - 60 years old with working for more than 10 years at agriculture. The majority of farmer’s knowledge in the use of pesticides is enough. Soybean farmer’s using pesticides brands Kenrel 525/55EC, Famdatrin 50 EC, and Matador 25 EC with active material Cypermethrin, Chlorpyriphos, and Lamda Cyhalothrin. Concentrations of pesticides are the most widely used by 20 cc and pesticides spraying during the growing period by as much as 3 times. Overall the farmer’s doing the spraying in the morning or evening. Undetectable pesticide residues or pesticide residues under 0,025 ppm on soil samples taken. The advices of this research to improve the knowledge of farmers related to pesticide use and optimize the supervision to the use of pesticides in farming.en_US
dc.subjectagriculture soybeans, pesticides, soilen_US
dc.titlePENGGUNAAN PESTISIDA DAN KANDUNGAN RESIDU PADA TANAH PERTANIAN KEDELAI (Studi di Kelompok Tani Sumber Rejeki Desa Sukoreko Kecamatan Bangsalsari Kabupaten Jember)en_US

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