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dc.contributor.authorHadi Kristianto
dc.description.abstractTranslation is the transfer of message of a text in one language to another text in another language. Translation requires a translator to use natural form in the target language, to convey as equal as possible the same meaning to the target language speakers as understood by source language speakers, and to preserve the dynamic of the source language text. It means that the translation should give the readers of the translation the same response as the original text give the response to the readers of the original text. It is quite often that there is a translation which is loyal to deliver the message of SL text into TL text, but its TL structure which the translator uses is terrible so that it is not understandable easily. On the other hand, there is also a translation which is apparently beautiful and so natural in the TL, but the message moves very far from the original text message. If this matter happens a lot over time, it is of course that the goal of translation fails. As it can be understood that in the previous passage translation aims to produce equivalence in term of message, naturalness in term of TL structure, and dynamic to give the same response. That is why translation of a text is important to analyze. This thesis aims to analyze a movie subtitle to know if there is any inappropriateness in the Oliver Twist‘s movie script in the TL and understand what the result of the translation of Oliver Twist‘s movie script in the TL. The English text is got by downloading it from the site IMSDB. Meanwhile, the Indonesian subtitle is got by rewriting it manually. To simplify the analysis, the writer presumably uses systemic sampling for the data are huge. This thesis applies descriptive analysis. At first, the data are collected. Secondly, the data having been collected are taken into five percent. The data will be analyzed at last. In conclusion, there are some inappropriateness which covers eight point nine percent grammatical, twenty two point three percent diction, seven point four percent message, thirteen point four percent awkward, seven point four percent idiom, and seven point four percent substandard word inappropriateness. Based on the statement above, the translation can be categorized as a fair translation.en_US
dc.subjectTranslation, Oliver Twist, formal equivalence, dynamic equivalenceen_US
dc.titleA Translation Analysis of English Text to Indonesian Text in the Movie Script of “Oliver Twist”en_US

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