Hubungan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Ibu dengan Kejadian Diare pada Bayi Usia 1-12 Bulan di Kelurahan Antirogo Kabupaten Jember
Diarrhea is defined as the change in consistency of stool and changes in bowel
frequency more than 3 times a day. One cause of the diarrhea is environmental
and behavioral factor. The highest incidence of diarrhea was at age 1-12 months
in the Antirogo district. The purpose of this research was to know the correlation
Clean and Healthy Life Behaviour of Mother to Diarrhea Incidence of Infants.
This research used analysis survey method with case control approach. Sample
was 103 respondens. Sampling technique was quota sampling. Data was collected
by questionnaires. Validity and reliability using the Pearson product moment and
Cronbach's alpha. The result shown that 62 respondents (60.2%) with good clean
and healthy life behaviour and infant diarrhea in the last month. The Spearman
rank test shown p-value = 0.000; r = -0.622, which means Ha received. P-value =
0,000 there was correlation between clean and healthy life behaviour of mother to
diarrhea incidence of infants aged 1-12 months in antirogo district jember
regency, r= - 0,622 there is a strong correlation between clean and healthy life
behaviour of mother to diarrhea incidence of infants aged 1-12 months in
antirogo district jember regency. Negatif sign (-) means that good clean and
healthy life behaviour of mother will cause low incidense of diarrhea in infants.
The suggest is health education clean and healthy life behaviour can be used to
improve clean and healthy life behaviour of mother.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1563]