This research aimed at knowing the influence size of the working hours time, car
usage time line, experience of driver and shiftliness on income of the driver of the city
transport in Jember.
This research used the method explanatory that is a method that explained in a
systematic, factual and accurate manner about the object that was thorough the testing of
the hypothesis. Method of the sample used was Random Method Sampling, that in took
as 35 respondents of 306 available populations. The data of driver that was used in this
research was of primary data through direct interview and was supplemented also with
the secondary data that was received from the transportation Office jember subjoinvence.
To know the influence of the working hours time, car usage time line, experience of
driver and shiftliness on income of the driver the city transport together were used by the
F test in the level of significance (
α =5%). Variable the working hours time had the value
of the probability of 0,012, , car usage time line had the value of the probability of 0,015
and the variable of shiftliness had the value of the probability of 0,708. so as to be
concluded that is gotten by the influence secra partial from each one the free variable.
The influence that was significant between the free variable variably was tied also by the
variable capacity free to explain the variable was tied of 84.8% or by the determination
coefficient (R²) as big as 0.848.variabel that was most dominant was the time cam the