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dc.contributor.authorANGGRAINI, Heni
dc.description.abstractThe research is aimed to study the thickness of the PANi/Ppy/GO composite gas sensor for coffee vapor. The composit gas sensor was synthesized by mixing of appropriate PANi, Ppy, GO and diluted on DMSO solvent, this solution is then printed on the surface of the electrode and dried on the oven. The synthesized PANi/Ppy/GO composite was characterized using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared). The thickness of the sensors was the studied namely 0,16; 0,21; 0,27; and 0,31mm. The result shown that the highest conductivity of 1,42 x 10-6 S with response time about 23 seconds and good reproduciblity about 1,62%RSD was indicated by the sensor having a thicknes of 0,31 mm. The preparation technique has also been evaluated by preparing 3 sensors, those are tested in detecting Sidomulyo coffee aroma from brewing coffee. All the sensors have similar respose which is indicated by the average conductivity of 1,30 x 10-6 S and RSD 1,66 %. The sensor has also performed a high sensitivity with a slope value of 0,60 S/g, in addition it has a fast response around 17 second for detecting a various concentration of brewing coffee. Finally, the PANi-ES/Ppy/GO composite gas sensor has also applied to distinguish the aroma of coffee from the Sidomulyo, Garahan, and Gumitir plantations.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDrs. Zulfikar, Ph.D Yeni Maulidah Muflihah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alamen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Ketebalan Komposit Polianilin, Polipirol, dan Grafena Sebagai Material Gas Sensor untuk Uji Deteksi Aroma Kopi Robustaen_US
dc.identifier.validatorvalidasi_repo_ratna_Januari 2025en_US
dc.identifier.finalization0a67b73d_2025_01_tanggal 21en_US

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