Karakteristik Risiko Pajanan Boraks pada Produk Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT) Kerupuk
Background: Borax is not recommended for use in food products due to safety concern. A comprehensive food safety risk assessment is necessary to evaluate public health policies. This process is part of environmental health risk analysis, which involves identifiying hazards, evaluating exposure, and characterizing risk. Risk characterization categories risks as non-carcinogenic or carcinogenic effects, with a Risk Quotient (RQ) value of 1 and an Excess Cancer Risk (ECR) value of 1/10000 indicating no health risk.
Methods: This study employ an observational research design utilizing the Environmental Health Risk Analysis framework to evaluate the health risks associated with crackers containing borax in the community. It predict the non-carcinogenic risk level (RQ) and carcinogenic risk level (ECR) to ensure safe limits and appropriate risk management. The study also examines the correlation between education level, knowledge, and attitude towards borax use in IRTP Kerupuk business actors.
Results : The study revealed that 72% of respondents had attained a high level of education, with 77.8% falling within the category of individuals with extensive knowledge. Nevertheless, 88.9% of respondents indicated disagreement with the use of borac, yet 22.2% continued to utilize it. Futhermore, the study revealed an absence of a correlation between educational attainment, knowledge, and attitudes toward the utilization of borax in crackers IRTP. Qualitative testing revealed the presence of borax in 20% of the cracker samples, while quantitative tests demonstrated exposure levels spanning from 115 mg/L to 37,100 mg/L. The non-carcinogenic risk associated with PIRT crackers containing borax is considered unsafe, while ECR values are 0.03 and 0.04, indicating that the carcinogenic risk level is also unsafe.
Conclusion: The PIRT crackers containing borax present a risk to public health, necessitating the implementation of a risk management program by the government, businesses, and the community to address the potential health issues associated with these products.
- MT-Sciences of Health [121]