Weir is one of the components of civil building power plants minihydro
power plants that serves to raise the elevation so that the river water can be diverted
into the intake. The purpose of this study is to plan safety weir to stability with the
most of cheap between some combination of weir at the Jompo River.
The steps undertaken in this study is to plan a hydraulic weir by selecting any
combination the type of spillway, the type of intake and the right type of settling
basin. Once that was done the weir stability analysis by analyzing the forces acting on
the weir during normal water conditions and flooding. Then the stability is controlled
in accordance with the terms bolsters security against danger, the danger of sliding,
the carrying capacity of the soil, and piping. Then performed the calculation of the
budget plan (RAB) to know needed cost.
The results of stability analysis on a weir with a combination of spilway type,
the type of intake and the type of settling basin at normal water conditions is known
that all combinations of weir safety to stability. The results of stability analysis in the
flood water conditions is known that all combinations of weir safety against stability
except at the weir that uses a combination of settling basin USBR Type IV is not
secure against the carrying capacity of the soil. The results of calculation of the
budget plan was found that the weir with a combination of spillway ogee, drop intake
and settling basin "bak tenggelam" has the most of cheap between some combination
of weir, with budget of Rp. 1,164,897,822.30.
Planning weir minihydro power plant at the Jompo River using with a
combination of spillway ogee, drop intake, and settling basin "bak tenggelam",
because safety to stability with the most of cheap between some combination of weir.
- UT-Faculty of Engineering [4162]