Pra Rancangan Pabrik Butil Asetat dari Butanol dan Asam Asetat dengan Kapasitas 35.000 Ton/Tahun
Butyl acetate plant design from butanol and acetic acid with a production capacity
of 35,000 tons/year. The raw materials used are butanol and acetic acid with
amberlyst 15 catalyst support. This factory will be established in JIIPE, Gresik,
East Java with a production time of 330 days/year. The production process consists
of raw material preparation, esterification reaction, and purification. The
esterification reaction took place in the fluidized bed CSTR reactor with operating
conditions of 90°C, 1 atm pressure, and 90 minutes of reaction time. Product
purification is carried out in a flash drum to obtain a product purity of 99.5% butyl
acetate. Process support utilities include water requirement of 191.128 m3
steam requirement of 1364.796 kg/hour, brine requirement of 37263.27 kg/hour,
electricity requirement of 125.76 kWh and fuel of 549.34 lb/hour. The form of
company chosen is a Limited Liability Company (PT) with a total of 153 employees
consisting of shift and non-shift employees. Based on economic evaluation, Annual
cash flow (ACF) is 45%, Pay Out Time (POT) is 2.5 years, and Break Event Point
(BEP) is 44.81%.
- UT-Faculty of Engineering [4098]