Pengembangan Aplikasi Otomasi Pemberian Nutrisi Pada Tanaman Tomat Berbasis Internet of Things
Tomato plants are plants with a large production rate, based on the Central Statistics Agency (2020), total household consumption of tomato plants is 634.01 thousand tons accompanied by an increase in production of 6.34% by 1.08 million tons, but with the current land narrowing, we can take advantage of technological developments to use Smart Farming supported by the Internet of things. With the Internet of Things all physical objects can communicate and connect with each other over the internet. For the efficiency of the place, the tomato plants will be planted using a hydroponic system, where the planting medium is not using soil, but water. By utilizing a TDS meter sensor to measure the amount of nutrients, an ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level in the tub, and a DS18B20 sensor to measure water temperature, it can help us provide nutrients automatically to tomato plants. In order for tomato plants to grow well, watering nutrients will be given based on the age of the plant, so that the nutritional needs of tomato plants will not be deficient or excessive. In addition, with the Internet of Things we can monitor remotely, through the Blynk website that has been connected to a microcontroller, we can directly monitor the amount of nutrients in the nutrient bath, the water level in the nutrient bath, and the water temperature in the growing medium, so we can see that the system we made was successful.