Pengaruh Kecepatan Pengadukan dan Waktu Detensi pada Flokulasi dalam Menurunkan Kekeruhan dengan Menggunakan Biokoagulan Biji Mangga
The Bedadung River as a water source for the people of Kabupaten Jember has an important role in the daily activities of the people around the river. IPA Tegalgede ensures that the treated water meets the requirements for drinking water quality
standards in accordance with the Permenkes RI no. 2 of 2023. One of the standard criteria for drinking water quality is a turbidity value of no more than 3 NTU. Coagulation and flocculation are a process that use coagulant to destabilize particles in raw water. The coagulants currently used are chemical coagulants which have a negative impact on the environment. Mango seeds can be used as a biocoagulant because they have the properties and content of polysaccharides and other protein content (Maulidia, 2021). Another factor that influences turbidity is the stirring speed and detention time. This research aims to determine the influence of stirring speed and detention time as well as mango seed biocoagulant with variations in speed and time. Artificial raw water with a turbidity of 100 NTU serves to represent the condition of the water after a disaster. This research used variations in flocculation stirring speed of 20 rpm, 30 rpm, 40 rpm, 50 rpm and 60 rpm, while the detention time had variations of 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes and 30 minutes. The results obtained after carrying out the test were coagulation with a stirring speed of 120 rpm for 1 minute followed by variations in flocculation and sedimentation for 30 minutes. The optimum final turbidity was 35.40 NTU from the initial turbidity of 100 NTU. The optimum results obtained came from varying flocculation at 60 rpm for 20 minutes. The results obtained showed that the stirring speed had an effect on turbidity removal with an anova test value of 0.0323.
- UT-Faculty of Engineering [4162]