Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran RGOSA (Reading, Giving Opinion, Observing, Searching, Assessing) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa di SMP
The current development of education is closely related to the times, one of the skills students are expected to have is 21st century skills in the 4.0 revolution era which has quite a broad impact on the world of education, one of which is critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to develop the RGOSA learning model to improve critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in science subjects at junior high schools. This study applies the 4-D Research and Development (R&D) method. Validity data was obtained with the results of the average validity of the learning model of 94.91% while the average on tools such as syllabus 94.45%, lesson plans 96.73%, LKPD 92.36%, and questions 88.37% have been said to be valid by the validator. The practical RGOSA learning model is a learning model that meets the practicality criteria based on the results of the small test learning implementation assessment of 84.39%, large test of 81.73% and student response to small test of 84.80% and large test of 83.27% with very practical categories. The RGOSA learning model and its tools are said to be effective as shown by the N-gain values of critical thinking skills in the medium and high categories and student learning outcomes are also in the medium and high categories obtained from the N-gain values in each small, large and dissemination test