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dc.contributor.authorHIDAYAT, Rifdiansyah Marthantio
dc.description.abstractE-raport services have an important role in providing services in the form of management and reporting of student learning achievements. SMA Negeri 2 Bondowoso is one of the schools that uses e-report services. Even though it is said to have many benefits, e-report services are also not free from problems. This certainly causes dissatisfaction with e-report service users where user satisfaction is closely related to service quality. Therefore, this study aims to measure the quality of e-report services using 6 variables in the e-ServQual method and provide suggestions for improving service quality in the future. This study used a quantitative method by collecting data through questionnaires and analyzed using the e-ServQual method. The sample in the study amounted to 56 people. The results of the study obtained a total average value of e-report service performance of 3.24. This shows that the e-report service has good service performance according to user perceptions. However, the total average value of user expectations is 3.59, causing a gap between the value of service performance and the value of user expectations of -0.35. This shows that e-raport services have not met user satisfaction so that there is a need to improve the quality of e-raport services. In addition, recommendations for improvements to process or page loading speed indicators (EF3), error/problem e-report services (SA3), and problem complaint services (CO2 and CO3) were obtained.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ilmu Komputeren_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Kualitas Layanan E-Raport Menggunakan Metode E-Servqual (Studi Kasus; SMA Negeri 2 Bondowoso)en_US
dc.identifier.prodiSistem Informasien_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Beny Prasetyo, S.Kom., M.Komen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Fahrobby Adnan, S.Kom., M.MSIen_US

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