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dc.contributor.authorSALSABILLAH, Qotrun Nada
dc.descriptionFinalisasi repositori 28 Juli 2023_Kurnadien_US
dc.description.abstractCalcium chloride plant with raw materials calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid with a capacity of 35,000 tons/year with an operating time of 358 days/year. The main raw materials are 2969.729 kg/hour of calcium carbonate and 6009.518 kg/hour of hydrochloric acid. The production process uses the neutralization method with several process steps including acidification, neutralization, filtration, evaporation or concentration of the solution. solidification, drying and sieving. The reaction process begins by reacting calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid in an acidification reactor and produces an exothermic reaction. Then the remaining unreacted hydrochloric acid will be neutralized in the neutralizer reactor by adding calcium hydroxide to the neutralizer. The resulting calcium chloride solution will be filtered to produce calcium chloride solution with impurities (magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide). The filtered metal calcium will flow to the evaporator for the process of concentrating the solution with an operating temperature of 100 oC. Concentrated calcium chloride solution (74%) will be solidified to form flakes with calcium chloride content of 78%. Calcium chloride that has been formed will be dried to reduce the water content in the product to match the product desired by the target market. The total number of employees needed to run this factory is 192 people. The annual cash flow (ACF) generated by this factory is US$ 6,558,132 (66.41%). The rate of return on capital or pay out time (POT) for 2.18 years based on economic evaluation. The break-even percentage (BEP) obtained was 42.68%.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDosen Pembimbing Utama : Ir. Istiqomah Rahmawati, S.Si., M.Si. Dosen Pembimbing Anggota : Dr. M Maktum Muharja Al Fajri, S.T.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Tekniken_US
dc.titlePra Perancangan Pabrik Kalsium Klorida dari Kalsium Karbonat dan Asam Klorida Menggunakan Metode Netralisasi dengan Kapasitas 35.000 Ton/tahunen_US
dc.identifier.prodiTeknik Kimiaen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Ir. Istiqomah Rahmawati, S.Si., M.Si.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dr. M Maktum Muharja Al Fajri, S.T.en_US

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