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dc.contributor.authorPUTRO, Muhammad Farhan Suryo Hari
dc.descriptionFinalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 10 Juli 2023en_US
dc.description.abstractFilm is a storytelling medium that is very popular in society. Ideas that are made into stories in films often refer to issues that are relevant and popular during the development of the story idea. Author created a fictional short film called Pecel Plus Plus, based on the outbreak of the Covid pandemic which forced many non essential business sectors, such as massage parlors, to close. The issue of women's insecurity and their insensitive representation in many television soap operas is also the main factor that drives the creators to tell the story of the film Pecel Plus Plus. The Pecel Plus Plus in general tells the story of a sensual masseur named Lastri who has to pay a debt in the form of hundreds of pecels from his dead father to a gangster boss who does not hesitate to burn down the Lastri family's house and eatery. The story ideas presented in the film must be turned into a viewing experience that is specifically designed for the audience to be emotionally involved with the characters who experience conflict in the film. The plot or sequence of events in the film must be sequenced through an editing process to establish the unity of each scene that is present on the screen. Author decided to use the continuity editing approach which is a common approach used in narrative films to unify the sequences in the film so that the viewing experience that the audience receives feels continuous, intact, and informative. The Pecel Plus Plus film has a duration of 35 minutes with an action-comedy genre, and the dialect that used in this film is East Javanese. The purpose of conducting research using the continuity editing approach is for author to be able to assemble various shots in the Pecel Plus Plus into a film worthy of being enjoyed by audiences. The viewing experience is expected to be able to give the audience an impression of immersiveness and encourage empathy DIGITAL REPOSITORY UNIVERSITAS JEMBER DIGITAL REPOSITORY UNIVERSITAS JEMBER ix in understanding the experiences experienced by the characters in the Pecel Plus Plus film. The creation stage of the film Pecel Plus Plus consists of 4 stages, namely: development, pre-production, production, post-production. Author provide input regarding the continuity editing approach in preparing the film concept from the early development stage. The techniques used in the continuity editing approach are 180 degree systems, establishing shots, reverse shots, action cuts, eyeline matching, and dialogue overlap. Author and other crew members at the pre-production stage conducted a site survey, breakdown of each department, right up to the test cam. The location survey provides information regarding the possibility of actors and camera blocking, so that the author can decide about the 180 degree axis area between players on the screen. A test cam was carried out to see whether the initial concept and preparation that had been carried out by the entire crew and creators could be successful in presenting the desired emotional effect so as to allow for revisions or shots to be cut. Authors in the production stage are assisted by on-loc editors and DIT in managing files and workflows, as well as presenting previews of all the shots and scenes that have been taken. Preview is used to consider taking shots that are felt to be lacking in completing editing rules. This is done in the shooting process in order to avoid adding to the shooting schedule beyond the initial production plan. The post-production stage is carried out by the author in offline editing by perfecting the initial roughcut from the shooting results to the fine cut stage and becoming piclock after all the stories have been told in their entirety and a dramatic structure has been achieved through a continuity editing approach. Timelines that have been piclocked are exported to the format required by colorists, music director, vfx artist, and sound designer to work on the online editing phase. The results of online editing are put back together by the author into a married print which is re exported according to the needs of the screening formaten_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ilmu Budayaen_US
dc.subjectPECEL PLUS-PLUSen_US
dc.titleContinuity Editing on Fiction Movie Pecel Plus Plusen_US
dc.title.alternativeContinuity Editing dalam Film FIksi Pecel Plus Plusen_US
dc.identifier.prodiProgram Studi Televisi & Filmen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Muhammad Zamroni, S.Sn., M.Sn.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dwi Haryanto, S.Sn, M.Sn.en_US

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