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dc.contributor.authorYopi Oktama Widianto
dc.description.abstractResearch with title " Analysis Mount Independence Finance Area ( Empirical Study at Sub-Province and Town in all East Java)" this aim to to know Sub-Province independence and Town in East Java in the field of finance. This research is conducted at Sub-Province and Town in East Java. Technique which is used in intake is sampling purposive. This research use data of sekunder obtained of Report document Realize obtained APBD of situs Directorate General Counter balance of Finance Local Government through internet. This research there are 3 variable, that is Earnings Of Genuiness Area, Expense Area, and Acceptance of Area. Data the used Report data Realize APBD year 2004-2006. This research of data analysis the used is test of normalitas data, analysis make an index to monetary independence of analysis and area ability of execution of autonomy. Result of from analysis this research indicate that Sub-Province and Town in East Java not yet can in executing area autonomy self-supportingly. This matter can be seen from monetary independence index area, and fiscal decentralization degree of mean area in Sub-Province and Town in Java east which still lower.en_US
dc.subjectearnings of area genuiness, area expense, acceptance of area, make an index to monetary independence of area, degree of fiscal decentralization of areaen_US
dc.titleANALISIS TINGKAT KEMANDIRIAN KEUANGAN DAERAH (Studi Empris pada Kabupaten dan Kota di Jawa Timur)en_US

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