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dc.contributor.authorMEIDIAN, Bahtiar
dc.description.abstractLow carbon steel is one type of metal that is often used in the industrial world. However, they often experience losses due to the high level of damage due to corrosion. One of the efforts to control corrosion can be done by metal coating, namely by electroplating. The electroplating process is carried out by coating the surface of low carbon steel with nickel plating metal, so that the surface hardness value increases. Factors that affect the electroplating results are the current strength, distance and time variations.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of current strength, distance and time on the corrosion rate of SS400 steel with a nickelplated electroplating process. This research was conducted at the Materials Testing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember which was carried out from July to November 2022. The results obtained in this study were that the lowest corrosion rate after the specimen was coated with nickel coating with electroplating occurred in specimen 8 with a time variable of 45 minutes, a current strength of 3A and a distance of 5 cm, namely 1.01 mpy and the highest corrosion rate occurred in specimen 1 with a time 15 minutes, a current of 1A and a distance of 5 cm is 5.98 mpy. The longer the time, the higher the current strength, and the closer the distance between the electrodes used in the electroplating process, the corrosion rate will decrease.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Tekniken_US
dc.subjectElectroplating, laju korosi, baja SS400en_US
dc.subjectlaju korosien_US
dc.subjectbaja SS400en_US
dc.titlePengaruh Kuat Arus, Jarak, dan Waktu terhadap Laju Korosi Baja SS400 Berlapis Nikel dengan Proses Electroplatingen_US
dc.identifier.prodiTeknik Mesinen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Ir. Sumarji, S.T., M.T.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Intan Hardiatama S.T., M.T.en_US
dc.identifier.finalizationFinalisasi tanggal 29 Maret 2023_M.Arif Tarchimansyahen_US

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