Cultural Identity on Chinese Diaspora in Lisa See’s Shanghai Girls
SHANGHAI GIRLS; Destya Dwi Ramadani; 160110101014; 51 pages, English
Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jember
This research analyses the construction of cultural identity experienced by
the characters in the novel Shanghai Girls. Shanghai Girls tells about Chinese
women, Pearl and May, who is later moved from Shanghai to America for
arranged marriages. They gradually experience immigrant problems of
homesickness and nostalgia, the difference between old culture and new one. This
research purposes to discover the struggle of the characters living in the host
country and the way they face it. Stuart Hall’s cultural identity theory is applied in
conducting this research. This research is qualitative research as the data is in the
form of a collection of words and sentences. The primary data are taken from
Shanghai Girls through dialogues and narrative events while the secondary data
as the complement are taken from books, journal, and internet resources. The
collected data presents the characters’ way to survive in host country and
environment takes a big role in their identity formation.
The results of this research show each character has different experiences to
survive in living in the host country. At first coming, Pearl and May experience
homesickness and nostalgia. They cannot get used living in America that contrasts
with their lives before so that they still shadowed by their past lives. Pearl has
struggled to adjust with traditional Chinese culture she used to ignore. As the
representation of longing home, she starts preserving traditional Chinese culture
in her daily life in America while embracing her western way of thinking.
Meanwhile, May brings back her past life as beautiful and modern woman who
adores the western way of life. As American-born Chinese, Joy is raised by both
cultures as the negotiation to remain acceptable in the family but she goes her
daily life as American where she currently lives in. It can be concluded that
identity is unstable and always in proses which is influenced by environment and
community where they live in. Lisa See as the author wants people know how tough being immigrant in America at the time, especially Chinese women who
come for arranged marriages. Through the characters, she conveys the difference
results in each character which is influenced by environment. See also positions
Chinese as her dominant idea in writing this story even though the novel has been
set on not only in China.