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dc.contributor.advisorPUJIATI, Hat
dc.contributor.advisorASTUTININGSIH, Irana
dc.contributor.authorHAFIDA, Linda Yuni Nur
dc.description.abstractThis research discusses the formula in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Lyman Frank Baum. The formula in this novel is done by elaborating the narrative structure in the novel including plot, character and characterization, and setting. Furthermore, this thesis is required to break down the construction of magical things in modern American culture which appears in the formula. The construction of magical things in modern American culture in the formula relates to cultural background of America. Therefore, this research uses a theory of formula written by John G. Cawelti (1976) to finish this thesis. The standardization is needed to find the narrative structure in the formula. It consists of three literary elements such as plot, character and characterization, and setting. To show the relation between formula and culture, the discussion in this thesis explores the construction of magical thing in modern American culture as the escapism of the novel. It aims to find the American cultural belief in magic represented in the novel. This thesis is a qualitative research since the data are in the form of utterances or words. The data are divided into two types- primary and secondary data. The primary data are taken from the narration of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The secondary data are taken from books, journals, articles, and website from internet which show the condition of magic in American culture. As a result, the research can be concluded that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz uses the popular pattern such as adventure and mystery. The setting of the novel is constructed by adventure pattern and the setting in the Land of Oz‟s regions use the several colors to represent society feeling and mood. The unique characters are created from the adaptation of Halloween symbol. The group of hero also has unique way to defeat the villain in the story. The unique way is pictured by the xi human ability which is possesed by the group of hero such as brain, heart, and courage. The Witches and Wizard as the characters in the novel relate to the second discussion of the construction magical things in modern American culture as the relation between formula and culture. The result shows that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz mirrors the American cultural belief in magic. In modern era, the traditional belief still exists. In this case, the author still brings the traditional belief in magic presented by the minor characters. While, the superior figure presents the modern magic which is ventriloquist. Ventriloquist is still connected to the Ancient Greek belief. In the past the position of ventriloquist is a supernatural power but in modern era the position changes into the art performance. As a modern spirit, magic becomes a form of art because rationality is held in high esteem by modern subject. Through the story, Baum wants to show the spirit of modern subject in rejecting the traditional belief. Therefore, ventriloquist that is previously understood as a supernatural power is transformed as an art in modern American culture.en_US
dc.titleAn Analysis Of Formulaic Structure In L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard Of Ozen_US
dc.identifier.prodiENGLISH DEPARTMENT

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