Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Child Health Problems in Agricultural Setting 

      SULISTYORINI, Lantin; JULININGRUM, Peni Perdani; RAHMAWATI, Ika; SEPTIYONO, Eka Afdi (Jurnal Keperawatan Padjajaran, 2020-12-30)
      Besuki Residency well known at agricultural field. Child and infant mortality in this area is high. Child health problems of agricultural-oriented at Besuki Residency no one has research yet. This research uses quantitative ...
    • EKOLOGI KOTA BESAR DAN RISIKO GANGGUAN KESEHATAN (Urban of Ecology and Health Disorders Risk) 

      Prayitno, Hadi (2018-03-28)
      The urban where millions and even tens of millions of people doing various activities in order to meet their needs should be designed and constructed scientifically, in-depth, integrated and always pay attention to ...