Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The Effect of Marketing Ability In Turbulence Environments In The Fast Food Industry 

      SANTOSO, Budi; SULARSO, Raden Andi; SUROSO, Imam; WULANDARI, Deasy; SUSANTO, Arnis Budi (GENERAL MANAGEMENT, 2024-01-01)
      This study describes the influence of marketing capabilities on Critical marketing responsiveness capabilities (CMRcap) and company performance in a turbulent environment in the fast food industry PT. Cipta various tastes ...
    • Strengthening micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia through technical marketing strategies 

      WIGUNA, Ardhitya Alam; SULARSO, Raden Andi; SUROSO, Imam; HANDRIYONO, Handriyono; WULANDARI, Deasy; SUSANTO, Arnis Budi (Contaduria y Administracion, 2024-03-01)
      Global competition is currently affecting every business or organization. Entrepreneurship has grown to prominence in the field of study due to its capacity to dynamize the economy with the help of technological skills ...