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dc.contributor.authorEKA LAILI HERMAYANTI
dc.description.abstractImproving the Eleventh Grade Students’ Sentence Writing Achievement Using Pocket Chart at SMK Mamba’ul Khoiriyyatil Islamiyyah Bangsalsari -Jember; Eka Laili Hermayanti; 050210491067; 49 pages; English Education Program of Language and Arts Department; Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember University. This classroom action research was intended to improve the eleventh grade students’ sentence writing achievement at SMK Mamba’ul Khoiriyyatil Islamiyyah Bangsalsari- Jember. This research was begun by conducting an interview with the English teacher of the eleventh grade students of SMK Mamba’ul Khoiriyyatil Islamiyyah on 30th December 2009. Based on the preliminary, it was found that the students of class XIAK ( Akuntansi) faced difficulties in sentence writing . There were only 63, 46 % of 52 students in that class who got score 65 or more. Besides, the students were also lack of participation in the classroom during the teaching and learning process of English sentence writing. Pocket Chart is one of media in teaching learning process of writing under the reasons that using this media, the students and teachers easily change cards placed in pocket chart to complete activities. Pocket chart activities can fit the classroom themes and developmental needs of the students. It means that pocket charts are used to do many activities and motivate the students to learn English. This classroom action research was done collaboratively with the English teacher covering planning of the action, implementation of the action, observation and evaluation, analysis and reflection. This research was carried out in two cycles In this research, the strength of pocket chart is to make it easier for the teacher to explain the lesson and for the students to understand especially the sentence types (simple and compound sentence) and practice the pattern of sentence based on the tenses (Simple Present and Simple Past Tense). and each cycle consisted of three meetings including the test. The subject of this research was XI- AK students of SMK Mamba’ul Khoiriyyatil Islamiyyah Bangsalsari that consists of 52 students, in the first semester 2010/2011 academic year. The research target was 75% of the students got score at least 65 and 75% of the students were actively involved in the teaching and learning process of sentence writing using pocket chart. Based on the result of observation, it was found that 34 students or 65.38% of 52 students in Cycle 1 Meeting 1 and 37 students or 71.15% of 52 students in Cycle 1 Meeting 2 actively participated in the teaching learning process of sentence writing using pocket chart. Meanwhile, there were 36 students or 69.23% of 52 students who got score 65 or more. This result above showed that the action of Cycle 1 did not achieve the standard requirements. This was the first time for them to learn English sentence writing using pocket chart. Therefore, the action was continued in Cycle 2 by revising the teaching technique including the lesson plan and classroom activities. The result of action in Cycle 2 showed significant improvements. It was showed that the students’ active participation improved in the first meeting that was 76.92% to 80.77% in the second meeting. Meanwhile, there were 40 students or 76.92% of 52 students who got score 65 or more. It means that the target of the research was achieved in Cycle 2. In short, it could be concluded that pocket chart could improve the students’ sentence writing achievement and their active participation. Therefore, the English teacher was suggested to use pocket chart in challenging way as media in teaching writing.en_US

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