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dc.contributor.authorRohmatul Azizah
dc.description.abstractLearning materials are important in determining the success of teaching learning process. One of the learning resources is a textbook, it provides learning materials for both teachers and students. However, it is not a perfect learning resource because it may have incomplete and irrelevant materials. Therefore, it is recommended that it has to be analyzed comprehensively before it is selected and used in the classroom teaching and learning. This research focused on analyzing the relevance of listening materials in an English Textbook to the 2006 English Curriculum, KTSP because it is important to know whether the listening materials in the English Textbook are relevant or not with the curriculum applied, and therefore it can be informed that the textbook analyzed is suitable or not to be used in the classroom. This research was conducted to analyze the relevance of listening materials in an English Textbook “English on Sky 2” for the eighth year students of junior high school published by Penerbit Erlangga in 2007 to the 2006 English Curriculum, KTSP for the eighth year students of junior high school. The design of this research is content analysis research. The data of this research were the listening materials of the English Textbook “English on Sky 2” for the eighth year students of junior high school published by Penerbit Erlangga in 2007. The 2006 English Curriculum, KTSP for the eighth year students of junior high school was the parameter to measure the relevance of the listening materials of the English Textbook “English on Sky 2” for the eighth year students of junior high schools published by Penerbit Erlangga in 2007. It was found that the listening materials in the English textbook “English on Sky 2” for the eighth year students of junior high schools are transactional and interpersonal text Also, the textbook contains 79% of listening materials which are stated and relevant to the KTSP, 0% of listening materials which are stated but irrelevant to the KTSP, and 21% of listening materials which are unstated and irrelevant to the KTSP. It also contains 56% of listening tasks which are stated and relevant to the KTSP, 27% of listening tasks which are stated but irrelevant to the KTSP, and 17% of listening tasks which are unstated and irrelevant to the KTSP. It happens because the textbook does not include some listening materials and listening tasks stated in the KTSP. It also has some listening materials and listening tasks which are not stated in KTSP, and its listening materials are not put in order as suggested in the KTSP. While for its listening tasks, there are some of them which do not measure the students’ listening skills, it measures their reading skills instead. Nevertheless, this textbook still can be used as learning resource because it st ill has 79% of relevant listening materials and 56% of relevant listening tasks and it comply with some criteria of a good textbook, they are: the materials in this textbook refer to the targets should be achieved by the learners outlined in the written form that can be communicated to the readers, it pay attention to linguistic components such as pronunciation, and it is presented in the form of an attractive and colorful appearance completed by pictures. The textbook also provides recorded listening materials in the form of cassette. There are 2 cassettes. The first cassette is cassette part 1, consists of unit 1 to 4 on side A and unit 4 to 5 on side B. The second cassette is cassette part 2, consists of unit 6 to 7 on side A and unit 7 to 8 on side B. There are no native speakers involved in the recording, but the pronunciation and accent used are quite close to the native speakers’. Based on the research result, the researcher suggests the English teachers who use the English Textbook “English on Sky 2” to have another supplementary textbook as the supporting source of this textbook. In other words, the English teachers are suggested to use more than one textbook. It is also suggested that the future researchers take a further research that focuses on the relevance of the other English textbooks published by the other publishers with curriculum as the parameter.en_US
dc.subjectistening Materials, the English Textbook “English on Sky 2”en_US
dc.titlen Analysis of Listening Materials Based on the 2006 English Curriculum Students of Junior High Schools Published by Penerbit Erlanggaen_US

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