Now showing items 1543-1562 of 12616

    • BUKU SAKU: Mengenal dan Mencegah Kekerasan Seksual di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi 

      INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; WARDANI, L. Dyah Purwita; ERIYANTI, Linda Dwi; DEWI, Agustina; UMNIYAH, Zahratul; SUHARIJADI, Didik; ASTUTI, Soekma Yeni (Azkiya Publishing, 2022)
      Banyaknya berita terkait kasus kekerasan seksual di dalam maupun di luar Perguruan Tinggi yang memanfaatkan kegiatan akademik seringkali menjadi berita utama diberbagai media. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa, kehidupan kampus ...
    • Buku SDLR Pada Mahasiswa 

      ASTUTI, Anggia; WIJAYA, Dodi; ABIDIN, Zainal; FIBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi (KHD Production, 2023-07)
      Undang-Undang RI No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional menjelaskan pada Pasal 1 bahwa “Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta ...
    • Bundling Strategies of Tourism Development Productsin Bondowoso Regency, East Java, Indonesia 

      MASTIKA, I Ketut; SASONGKO, Sasongko; JULIANTO, Didik Eko; HUTAMA, Pandu Satriya; OKTAWIRANI, Panca (International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2021-12-18)
      This study focuses on developing bundling product strategies in the marketing of objects and tourism attractions. The purpose of this research is to examine the application of the bundling product concept as the development ...
    • Bunga Rampai : Aborsi Ditinjau dari Aspek Hukum, Etika dan Moral 

      PRIHATMINI, Sapti (Publica Indonesia Utama, Anggota IKAPI DKI Jakarta 611/DKI/2022, 2022-06)
      Debatable aborsi masih terjadi sampai saat ini, baik dari aspek agama, moral, hukum, kesehatan, bahkan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya. Fokus tulisan ini menganalisis aborsi dari aspek hukum, etika dan moral, khususnya ...
    • Bunga Rampai COVID 19: Tinjauan dari berbagai Aspek 

      SANTOSO, Budhy; RACHMANIA, Sheilla; MISROHMASARI, Elyda Akhya Afida; INDARTIN, Dyah; HAKAM, Mulia; RAHARJO, Angga M.; MUNIR, Akhmad; HANDOKO, Adelia; SUSILO, Vendi Eko; ELFIAH, Ulfa; KURNIAWAN, Aditya; HALIF, Halif; UTAMI, Wiwien Sugih (UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2022-06)
      Pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang cukup luas bagi masyarakat, tidak hanya aspek kesehatan, namun merambah pula terhadap aspek social, ekonomi, spitual dan sebagainya. Pada awal awal virus ini menjadi pandemic, ...
    • Bunga Rampai COVID19: Tinjauan Dari Berbagai Aspek 

      SANTOSO, Budhy; RACHMANIA, Sheilla; MISROHMASARI, Elyda Akhya Afida; INDARTIN, Dyah; HAKAM, Mulia; RAHARJO, Angga M.; MUNIR, Akhmad; HANDOKO, Adelia; SUSILO, Vendi Eko; ELFIAH, Ulfa; KURNIAWAN, Aditya; HALIF, Halif; UTAMI, Wiwien Sugih (UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2022-11)
      Dampak pandemi COVID-19 pada layanan kesehatan antara lain, kebutuhan sarana prasarana rumah sakit yang meningkat terutama ruang rawat inap dan ICU COVID, penundaan layanan kesehatan termasuk tindakan operasi, dan ...
    • Bungai Rampai Ekonomi Kopi 

      Wibowo, Rudi (2013-12-13)
      Bungai Rampai ini diawali oleh penelitian Prof Nuhfil Hanani dan kawan-kawan yang mengamati kinerja ekonomi kopi Indonesia dan tingkat persaingan ekspor kopi Indonesia di pasar internasional. Sebagai salah satu komoditas ...
    • Business Feasibility and Soybean Directiveness Product Institutional Pattern in Jember District 

      ZAINURI, Zainuri; SALEH, Mohammad; HISAMUDDIN, Nur; ROZIQ, Ahmad (Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 2018-02-05)
      Jember regency is the only district in East Java that is able to export soybean to foreign countries.Efforts to achieve the welfare of rural communities should be encouraged by developing the potential of rural ...
    • Business Institutions of Cultural Farmers in Improving Competitiveness in Bondowoso Regency 

      Murdyastuti, Anastasia; Azhari, Abdul Kholiq; Negoro, Abul Haris Suryo (UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2018-12-04)
      Cassava in Indonesia is used as food ingredients to meet the food needs of the community and industry. Cassava is the result of farmers' business that can be processed into staple foods or marketable snacks so that they ...
    • Businesses Performance and The Competitiveness of The "Sasak" Woven Fabric Industry: The Impact Innovation of Capability, Creativity, and Value Creation 

      ALBUSHARI, Siti Aliyati (International Journal of Scientific Development and Research - IJSDR, 2021-12)
      The environment is changing rapidly. This requires companies to improve innovation of capability, create valueadded products and be creative. This study purpose to analyze the effect of innovation of capability, value ...
    • Butuh Pilkada yang Mendidik Anti Korupsi 

      Tanuwijaya, Fanny (2018-04-17)
      Sebagian elemen rakyat berharap besar pesta demokrasi tingkat lokal yang dikenal dengan pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) yang akan sebentar lagi digelar di sejumlah daerah, dapat menjadi momentum mendidik rakyat untuk ...

      Ana Mufidah (2014-07-16)
      Buy back saham atau pembelian kembali saham adalah pembelian kembali saham-saham yang telah diterbitkan oleh suatu perusahaan dan dimiliki oleh perseroan untuk jangka waktu tertentu yaitu maksimum selama 3 tahun. Buy ...

      Mufidah, Ana (2013-06-17)
      Buy back saham atau pembelian kembali saham adalah pembelian kembali saham-saham yang telah diterbitkan oleh suatu perusahaan dan dimiliki oleh perseroan untuk jangka waktu tertentu yaitu maksimum selama 3 tahun. Buy back ...
    • C[a,b]-Valued Measure and Some of its Properties 

      UBAIDILLAH, Firdaus; DARMAWIJAYA, Soeparna; INDRATI, Ch. Rini (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Yogyakarta State University, 2014-05-18)
      Let 𝐶[𝑎, 𝑏] be the set of all real-valued continuous functions defined on a closed interval [𝑎, 𝑏]. It is a commutative Riesz algebra space with unit element 𝑒, where 𝑒(𝑥) = 1 for every 𝑥 ∈ [𝑎, 𝑏]. As in the ...
    • Cabbage Farm Analysis 

      Hani, Evita Soliha (2016-06-02)
      Generally, Indonesian farmer has been doing cabbage farm (Brassica Oleracea L) from generation to generation, so the use of production factors cannot be measured exactly. This condition caused the use of production ...
    • Cacao Seed (Theobroma cacao L.) Extract Gel Effect on the Neutrofil Number After Tooth Extraction 

      KURNIAWATI, Atik; SAPUTRA, Dwi Riski; CHOLID, Zainul; PUTRA, Hendito K. (ODONTO Dental Journal. Volume 7. Nomor 1. Juli 2020, 2020-07-01)
      Background: Tooth extraction is tooth removal procedure from the alveolar socket. Tooth extraction causes wounds in the form of exposed alveolar bone to the oral cavity where the treatment should be observed. Wound healing ...
    • Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg)in the Soil, Leachate and Ground Water at the final Waste Disposal Pakusari Jember Distric Area 

      Moelyaningrum, Anita Dewi; Pujiati, Rahayu Sri (2016-09-23)
      Open dumping and controlled landfill were method that used in almost the entire final waste disposal in Indonesia. It was potentially contaminate the soil, and grand water, especially heavy metal such as cadmium and Mercury. ...
    • Caffeine Content of Bondowoso Arabica Ground Coffee with Variation of Roasting Profile and Type of Packages 

      SAVITRI, Dyah Ayu; ARUM, Ayu Puspita; SUUD, Hasbi Mubarak; FARISI, Oria Alit; PATRICIA, Susan Barbara; KUSMANADHI, Bambang; MUNANDAR, Denna Eriani (2022-07-25)
      Bondowoso Arabica coffee is a type of coffee that grows on the slopes of Mount Ijen-Raung. It has a high commercial value and distinctive taste. Coffee processing applications from roasting, grinding, packaging and brewing ...
    • Caffeine increases PGE2 levels at compression and tension areas during orthodontic tooth movement 

      Herniyati, Herniyati; Narmada, Ida Bagus; Devi, Leliana Sandra (2018-05-22)
      Objective: To analyze the effect of caffeine on PGE2 levels during orthodontic tooth movement. Experimental: Sixteen healthy male rats were divided into two groups, i.e. control group (C) consisted of eight rats applied ...
    • Caffeine-Degrading Endosymbiont Fungi Isolated From Hipothenemus Hampei. Ferr as Pre-analysis Caffeine Toleranceability of Coffee Berry Borer 

      PURWATININGSIH; UBAIDILLAH, S Ubaidillah; SETYATI, Dwi; WIYONO, Hidayat Teguh (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021-09-30)
      The Coffee Berry Borer (CBB), Hypthenemus hampei Ferr., is the most destructivepest of coffee berry due to its ability to bore and complete their entire life cycle inside of thecoffee berry. The detoxification mechanism ...