Now showing items 1131-1150 of 12650

    • Arang Aktif Kulit Pisang Kepok dalam Mengikat Logam Berat Timbal 

      Patracia, Dewi; Moelyaningrum, Anita Dewi; Pujiati, Rahayu Sri (2019-07-12)
      Aktivitas TPA dapat mencemari lingkungan sekitar. Logam berat adalah cemaran yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Kulit pisang kepok dari Kabupaten Jember mengandung selulosa 55% yang memungkinkan dapat mengikat logam berat ...
    • Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Induced Different Proline Accumulations in Two Sorghum Accessions in a Response to Drought Stress 

      IDRIS, Idris; FEFIRENTA, Agusdin Dharma; SARI, Vega Kartika; SUDIANA, I Made (Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo),, 2022)
      Sorghum has good adaptability to drought stress conditions, but its early vegetative phase and the generative phase are susceptible to stress. Understanding the physiological response of plants under drought and mechanisms ...
    • Arcangelisia Flava Increases Rats' Leukocytes but has Biphasic Effect on Rats' Lymphocyte 

      Endah Puspitasari; Evi Umayah Ulfa; Vita Ariati; Mohammad Sulthon Habibi (2016-10-24)
      Fifteen rats were devided into three groups. Group I as control, received CMC Na 1 %. Group ll received EEAfL 500 mC/kC BW Group lll received EEAfL 1,500 mglkg BW The treatment was done orally for 11 days. At the 12th ...

      Puspitasari, Endah; Pangaribowo, Dian Agung; Utami, Yora; Isparnaning, Ika Yanuar (2017-01-23)
      Arcangelisia flava is a potential candidate to be developed as cancer chemoprevention agent. A. flava was proven to exhibit antioxidant and cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. These ability were ...

      Moelyaningrum, Anita Dewi; Ningrum, Prehatin Tri Rahayu (2017-10-02)
      Global warming is a global issue. Eco campus or green campus is the concepts to resolve the environmental problems. The aim of this research is to analyze how eco is your campus observed from knowledge and s tudents ’ ...
    • "Argumentation Of Senior High School Students On Physics Instruction Based Inquiry" 

      imaniar, Berliana Oni; SUPENO, Supeno; LESMONO, Albertus Djoko (JURNAL ILMIAH PENDIDIKAN FISIKA, 2020-06-29)
      Argumentation as the one of important skills must be included in the science learning. With argumentation skills, students can show their opinion include evidence and justification logically. Argumentation is important for ...
    • Arisan sebagai Media Pengurangan Resiko Bahan Berbahaya Pestisida Berbasis Komunitas Kelompok Petani (POKTAN) 

      Widianto, Eko Prasetya; Maisyaroh, Arista; Fibriansari, Rizeki Dwi (2019-04-15)
      Latar belakang: Pengunaan pestisida dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan kemampuanproduktifitas hasil pertanian, akan tetapi dibalik itu semua terdapat resiko atau ancaman dalam penggunaannya resiko keracunan pestisida ...
    • The Arrangement of Health Insurance Administration 

      Sama'i, Sama'i; Yuswadi, Hary; Toha, Akhmad; Sutomo, Sutomo (2019-04-29)
      The aim of the research explained about the arrangement of health insurance administration for BPJS Kesehatan participant in health service. The phenomenon that appeared in health insurance administration had many problems ...
    • Asbestosis dengan Segala Permasalahannya 

      Prasetyo, Rony (2019-02-11)
      Asbestosis adalah gangguan pernapasan disebabkan oleh menghirup seratasbes mengakibatkan terbentuknya jaringan parut dan terjadi kerusakan padajaringan paru. Serat asbes yang terinhalasi akan terdeposisi dari cabang ...
    • ASEAN Economic and Monetary Integration: The Feasibility of The Optimum Currency Area 

      QORI'AH, Ciplis Gema; WARDHONO, Adhitya; LESTARI, Sofia Anggraeni; INDRAWATI, Yulia (UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2013-11-02)
      Economic integration in recent years has become a trend in many parts of the world, including ASEAN. The process of economic integration in ASEAN has begun with economic cooperations that leads to the establishment of ...
    • ASEAN Paradigm Shift from a State to People-Oriented Organization: A Neo-Communitarian Perspective 

      SANI, Mohd Azizuddin Mohd; HARA, Abubakar Eby (Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (3) 379–394, 2013-09-01)
      This paper attempts to examine the paradigm shift in ASEAN from a state- based to a people-based organization. We argue that by adopting a people-based organization, ASEAN now enters an era of Neo-Communitarianism replacing ...
    • ASEAN Responses to External Challenges from the Cold War to Indo-Pacific: Does ASEAN Still Play a Pivotal Role? 

      HARA, Abubakar Eby; PATRIADI, Himawan Bayu; TRIHARTONO, Agus (Sciendo: The International Conference on ASEAN 2019, 2019-09-05)
      This paper discusses how ASEAN responds to its international environment by specific reference to the concept of ASEAN centrality. The approach that has been used to explain the centrality of ASEAN, namely neorealism and ...
    • Asesmen Kinerja DAS Bedadung Kabupaten Jember – Jawa Timur 

      HALIK, Gusfan; DESY L., Desy L.,K.K.; WAHYUNI, Sri; HIDAYAH, Entin; WIDIARTI, Wiwik Yunarni (Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia (HATHI), 2019-11-22)
      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan asesmen kinerja DAS akibat perubahan tata guna lahan dan peningkatan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Asesmen kinerja DAS mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor : P.61/Menhut- ...
    • Asesmen Otentik Kecerdasan Kinestetik dalam Pembelajaran Penjasorkes 

      Sihono (2016-05-03)
      Kinesthetic intelligence as theorized Gardner in principle are in all domains of learning, but it is more dominant on the attitudes and psychomotor domain. Therefore, the conventional measure in the form of a pencil and ...
    • Asi Eksklusif 

      DANIYANA, Rhea; MAYANGSARI, Wahyuni; AZIZA, Heni Nur; BIRNANDA, Joan Artameva Dhea (-, 2022-12-03)
      Asi Eksklusif
    • Asia-Pacific regional synthesis Climate change, displacement and the right to education 

      ERNADA, Sus Eko Zuhri; MOLASY, Honest Dody; PARK, Jonghwi (Unesco, 2023)
      he year 2021 has been another year of extreme climate events: increasingly powerful tropical cyclones, more intense heatwaves, frequent wildfires, and prolonged droughts. At the time of writing this synthesis report, 2.4 ...
    • Aspects of Personal Safety while Sailing for Fishermen in Jember Regency 

      SYAMILA, Ana Islamiyah; INDRAYANI, Reny; SUJOSO, Anita Dewi Prahastuti; HARTANTI, Ragil Ismi (Medical Technology and Public Health Journal, 2023-05-01)
      Fishermen have an important role in supporting the Indonesian economy. On the other hand, fishing was the most dangerous job in the world with a very high risk of accidents and death. Therefore, it was necessary to study ...
    • Aspek Biologi Bakteri dan Fitoplasma Patogenik Tumbuhan 

      Sri Wahyuni, Wiwiek (2013-07-02)
      Buku ini memperkenalkan pengembangan ilmu tentang Bakteri terutama dibidang molekuler dan rekayasa genetika. Selain itu juga memperkenalkan sedikit tentang Fitoplasma dan Spiroplasma sebagai organisme mirip bakteri tetapi ...
    • Aspek Biologis Pergerakan Gigi secara Ortodonsi 

      AMIN, Muhammad Nurul; PERMATASARI, Nur (Stomatognatic, 2016-03-30)
      Orthodontic appliance used to correct malocclusion which may include dental abnormalities, jaw relationship abnormalities, growth disorder of bone-forming facial or oral soft tissues disorder. Mechanical force of orthodontic ...
    • Aspek Hukum Informed Consent Dalam Pelaksanaan Tindakan Operasi Medik 

      Firman Floranta Adonara (2014-07-08)
      Sebelum dokter melakukan tindakan operasi medik, dokter berkewajiban untuk memberikan informasi tentang jenis penyakit yang diderita pasien dan tindakan medik yang akan dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan jiwa pasien serta ...