Now showing items 1106-1125 of 1874

    • Object Tracking on Semi-Automatic Surveillance Camera Using Image Processsing Based on Mean-Shift Method 

      Sarwono, Catur Suko; Romzi, Faiq Aprilian; Anam, Khairul; Sujanarko, Bambang (2018-11-28)
      Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a closed system that using camera device to capture and save the image in specific time in where this device installed.Surveillance is more needed, in the some place, there is installed ...
    • Oblivious Content Distribution System to Advantage Digital Rights Management 

      Prihandoko, Antonius Cahya; Ghodosi, Hossein (2018-04-23)
      This research aims to construct a content distribution protocol that preserves the content provider’s security and users’ privacy. The protocol can improve Digital Rights Management (DRM) that is required to provide ...
    • Occupational Stress towards Caring Behavior of Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) During Pandemic Covid-19 

      WANTIYAH, Wantiyah; MUKSIN, Ella Shafira Ramadhani; SETIOPUTRO, Baskoro; RONDHIANTO, Rondhianto; YUNANTO, Rismawan Adi (The 13th International Nursing Conference, 2022)
      Introduction: The emergence of occupational stress in the intensive care unit (ICU) during pandemic covid-19 will impact nurses' physiological, psychological, and performance. The psychological condition of nurses may ...
    • Odd Harmonious Labeling of Two Graphs Containing Star 

      PUJIWATI, Diah Ayu; HALIKIN, Ikhsanul; WIJAYA, Kristiana (AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021-02-08)
      An odd harmonious labeling of a graph G is an injective function f : V (G) → {0,1,2,...,2|E(G)| − 1} such that the induced function f ∗ : E(G) → {1,3,...,2|E(G)| − 1} defined by f ∗(xy) = f (x) + f (y) is a bijection. A ...
    • On Distance Irregularity Strength of Lollipop, Centipede, and Tadpole Graphs 

      KUSBUDIONO, Kusbudiono; PRATIWI, C.H.; WIJAYA, Kristiana (ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam, 2020-02-01)
      Let G be a simple graph. A distance irregular vertex k-labelling of a graph G is defined as a labelling λ:V(G)⟶{1,2,…,k} which is every two distinct vertices x,y∈V(G) have different weights, wt(x)≠wt(y). The weight of a ...
    • On inclusive 1-Distance Vertex Irregularity Strength of Firecracker, Broom, and Banana Tree 

      HALIKIN, Ikhsanul; SAVITRI, Ade Rizky; WIJAYA, Kristiana (Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam, 2020-03-03)
      Let k be a natural number and G be a simple graph. An inclusive d-distance vertex irregular labelling of a graph G is a function 𝜆: 𝑉(𝐺) ⟶ {1,2, … , 𝑘} so that the weights at each vertex are different. Let v be a vertex ...
    • On inclusive distance vertex irregularity strength of small identical copies of star graphs 

      SUSANTO, Faisal; HALIKIN, Ikhsanul; WIJAYA, Kristiana; BETISTIYAN, C. N. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-05-14)
      For a simple graph G, an inclusive distance vertex irregular k-labeling of G is a mapping λ : V (G) → {1, 2, . . . , k} such that all the vertex-weights are pairwise distinct, where the weight of a vertex v, denoted by ...
    • On Ramsey (3K2,K3)−minimal graphs 

      WIJAYA, Kristiana; BASKORO, Edy Tri; ASSIYATUN, Hilda; SUPRIJANTO, Djoko (AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016-02-24)
      The Ramsey graph theory has many interesting applications, such as in the fields of communications, information retrieval, and decision making. One of growing topics in Ramsey theory is Ramsey minimal graph. For any given ...
    • On Ramsey (mK2, P4)-Minimal Graphs 

      TAUFIK, Asep Iqbal; SILABAN, Denny Riama; WIJAYA, Kristiana (Atlantis Press, 2021)
      Let 𝐹, 𝐺, and 𝐻 be simple graphs. The notation 𝐹 → (𝐺, 𝐻) means that any red-blue coloring of all edges of 𝐹 will contain either a red copy of 𝐺 or a blue copy of 𝐻. Graph 𝐹 is a Ramsey (𝐺, 𝐻)-minimal if 𝐹 → ...
    • On Ramsey (𝒎𝑲𝟐,𝑷𝟒)-Minimal Graphs 

      TAUFIK, Asep Iqbal; SILABAN, Denny Riama; WIJAYA, Kristiana (Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics, Geometry, Statistics, and Computation, 2022-02-08)
      Let 𝐹, 𝐺, and 𝐻 be simple graphs. The notation 𝐹 → (𝐺, 𝐻) means that any red-blue coloring of all edges of 𝐹 will contain either a red copy of 𝐺 or a blue copy of 𝐻. Graph 𝐹 is a Ramsey (𝐺, 𝐻)-minimal if 𝐹 → ...
    • On Super Local Antimagic Total Edge Coloring of Some Wheel Related Graphs 

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Alfarisi, Ridho; Dafik, Dafik; Kristiana, Arika Indah; Prihandini, Rafiantika Megahnia; Kurniawati, Elsa Yuli (2018-10-29)
      Let G be a connected graph, let V(G) be the vertex set of graph G, and let E(G) be the edge set of graph G. Thus, the bijective function f : V(G) ∪ E(G) −→ {1, 2, 3, ..., |V(G)| + |E(G)|} is called a local antimagic ...
    • On The Development of Statistical Modeling in Plant Breeding: An Approach of Row-Column Interaction Models (RCIM) For Generalized AMMI Models with Deviance Analysis 

      Hadi, Alfian Futuhul; Sa'diyah, Halimatus (2017-03-23)
      Generalized AMMI (GAMMI) model has been widely used to model the Genotype × Environment Interaction (GEI) with categorical (or in general, non-normal) response variables. It was developed by introduce the concept of ...
    • On the development of the GE and the GGE interaction Biplot in the RCIM model and the evaluation of its’ robustness to the outlying observations 

      HADI, Alfian Futuhul; SADIYAH, H; HASAN, M (2018-12-20)
      Our recent statistical research on modeling of the two-ways table data was focused especially on the robustness of Row Column Interaction Model (RCIM). It has been showed that the RCIM model provide better result in ...
    • On The Metric Dimension with Non-isolated Resolving Number of Some Exponential Graph 

      YUNIKA, S.M.; SLAMIN, Slamin; DAFIK, Dafik; KUSBUDIONO, Kusbudiono (Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology, 2017-08-08)
      Let w, w ∈ G = (V, E). A distance in a simple, undirected and connected graph G, denoted by d(v, w), is the length of the shortest path between v and w in G. For an ordered set W = {w1, w2, w3, . . . , wk} of vertices and ...
    • On the rainbow coloring for some graph operations 

      Dafik, Dafik; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Fajariyato, Anang; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-02-28)
      Let G = (V, E) be a nontrivial, finite, simple and undirected connected graph on which is defined a coloring f : E(G) → {1,2, …, k}, k ∈ N. The adjacent edges may be colored the same colors. A path in an edge colored graph ...
    • On the Rainbow Vertex Connection Number of Edge Comb of Some Graph 

      M, Agustina; DAFIK, Dafik; SLAMIN, Slamin; KUSBUDIONO, Kusbudiono (Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology, 2017-08-08)
      By an edge comb, we mean a graph formed by combining two graphs G and H, where each edge of graph G is replaced by the which one edge of graph H, denote by G D H. A vertex colored graph G D H = (V (G D H), E(G D H)) ...
    • On Total r-Dynamic Coloring of Several Classes of Graphs and Their Related Operations 

      KUSBUDIONO, Kusbudiono; PUTRI, Desi Febriani; DAFIK, Dafik; KRISTIANA, Arika Indah (roceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology, 2017-08-08)
      All graphs in this paper are simple, connected and undirected. Let r, k be natural numbers. By a proper k-coloring of a graph G, we mean a map c : V (G) → S, where |S| = k, such that any two adjacent vertices receive ...
    • Open Source Tsunami Simulation Models: A Systematic Review 

      WIYONO, Retno Utami Agung; WIYONO, Agung; HALIK, Gusfan (Proceedings of the 21st IAHR-APD Congress, 2018)
      Tsunami has less frequency of occurrence compared to other disasters such as flood, landslide, earthquake, and volcanic eruptions. Nevertheless, tsunami has caused significantly higher casualties compared to other disasters. ...
    • Opera Jawa: A Story about Javanese Woman' Resistance 

      Astuti, Soekma Yeni (2018-04-02)
      Opera Jawa (2006) is a movie by Garin Nugroho. It is a dance movie that tries to combine musical, dance, and art' literacy in a cinematographically frame. Opera Jawa tells about Javanese people's life. Narratives about ...