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dc.contributor.authorALFIAH, Ikrimatul
dc.descriptionFinalisasi unggah file repositori tanggal 31 Oktober 2023_Kurnadien_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze and describe Cloud's conflict in the film Later We Will Tell About Today analyzed through Sigmund Freud's characterization and psychoanalysis in the form of aspects id,ego, and superego. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, because this research uses data in the form of descriptions of words as well as pictures and dialogues. Data collection techniques in the form of observation or observation and documentation. The results of this study can be concluded that the formation of character traits through three conflicts including conflicts in the world of work, family, and the world of love. After doing this research, researchers found a form of Cloud conflict in Later Movies We'll Tell About Todayin the form of feelings of depression, emotional, expressive, guilt, and frustration. The five forms are formed by aspects id, ego, and superego A by Cloud. Of the various inner conflicts, aspects that influence, there are also efforts by Awan to overcome the problems he is experiencing. As this inner turmoil as a ladder towards maturity, helps Cloud in improving his attitude and character which had rebelled against his father. The feelings towards the outside world of adults that previously prevented him from going more adventurous, have now been released and are experiencing the process of becoming a complete adult.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDosen Pembimbing utama : Dr. Bambang Aris Kartika, S.S., M.A. Dosen Pembimbing anggota : Ni Luh Ayu Sukmawati, S.P.d., M. Humen_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ilmu Budayaen_US
dc.subjectFilm Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Inien_US
dc.titlePsikoanalisis Tokoh Awan Dalam Film Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Inien_US
dc.identifier.prodiTelevisi dan Filmen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Bambang Aris Kartika, S.S., M.A.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Ni Luh Ayu Sukmawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.en_US

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