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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-10-30Pengendalian Banjir Saluran Irigasi Desa Karanganyar dengan Pengaturan Pintu DamWIYONO, Retno Utami Agung; WAHYUNI, Sri; TRISIANA, Anita; HIDAYATURROHMAH, Hidayaturrohmah
2017-08-14STUDI KOMPARATIF USAHATANI TEMBAKAU BAWAH NAUNGAN (Nicotiana tabacum L.) GALUR BESUKI DAN GALUR SUMATERA DITINJAU DARI ASPEK EKONOMI (Studi Kasus di Unit Tembakau Kebun Ajong Gayasan dan Unit Tembakau Kebun Kertosari PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persexo), Kabupaten Jember)SUSANTO, Sigit; MUSTIKO, Sigit; WAHYUNI, Sri
2017-08-14PROSPEK BUDIDAYA NILA (Tilapia nilotica) DENGAN KARAMBA JARING APUNG DAN KONTRIBUSINYA TERHADAP PENDAPATAN KELUARGA (Studi Kasus di Desa Sumber Dowesari, Kecarnatan Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur)HARYANTO S., Idha; HARTADI, Rudi; WAHYUNI, Sri
2017-10-30Simulasi Tampungan Air Embung Sidodadi untuk Kebutuhan Air Irigasi Tanaman Tebu Di Kecamatan Glenmore Kabupaten BanyuwangiNOVITASARI, Deni; WAHYUNI, Sri; HIDAYAH, Entin
2017-12-21Proposed Method to Determine the Potential Location of Hydropower Plant: Application at Rawatamtu Watershed, East JavaHIDAYAH, Entin; INDARTO, Indarto; WAHYUNI, Sri
2017-01-04Kajian Evaluasi Sistem Drainase Jalan Srikoyo Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten JemberTAMIMI, Rusyidina; WAHYUNI, Sri; HIDAYAH, Entin
2017-03-23Developing Science Process Skills and Problem - Solving Abilities Based on Outdoor Learning in Junior High SchoolWAHYUNI, Sri; INDRAWATI, Indrawati; SUDARTI, Sudarti; SUANA, W
2017-03-23Design and Implementation of Schoology-based Blended Learning Media for Basic Physics I CourseSUANA, W; MAHARTA, N; NYENENG, I D. P; WAHYUNI, Sri
2017-03-01The Influences of Mathematics Ability toward Physics Learning in Senior High School Based on an Authentic Assessment SystemSAFITRI, Aida N.; SARI, Rosita; WAHYUNI, Sri
2017-01-01Utilizing of Comic and Jember’s Local Wisdom as Integrated Science Learning MaterialsKURNIA, Ayu A.; WAHYUNI, Sri; PUTRA, Pramudya D. A.