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Title: The Effect of Joe's Fault on The Changes of The Four Main Characters Personalities Leading to Their Tragic Lives in Arthur Millers All My Sons
Authors: SISWOHARTONO, Jadikan
SUSANTI, Fitri Agus
Keywords: Psychological Approach
All My Son
Arthur Miller
Issue Date: 6-Oct-2004
Abstract: All my son is a drama that is full of internal and social conflicts. Joe Keller as the major character expreiences either internal or social conflicts. It is the effect of his great ambition to be the richer businessman in the town that causes him to act wrongly. The discussion deals with joe's faults in the play that effect on the change of the main characters personalities and then the change of personality lead joe, kate, larry and chris to ther tragic lives. Analyzing the change of the four main characters personalities leading to their tragic lives in the drama is inseparable from their psychological problems. It is convenient to know the change of personality that leads to tragic life by using psychological approach.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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