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Title: A Descriptive Studi On Erroneous Utterances Of Preintermediate Level Students Of General Englisht In Jember University Language Center
Authors: HADIRI
APRIADI, Rachmad Nur
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2006
Publisher: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Abstract: In the time Or In The place of or in the Environment In Which English Is Usually Used, Unfortunate The Learner's Knowledge. Target Language Does Not Rulfill Or Meet The Requirements Of The Target Language And The Second Language Learner Feels Under Pressure, Then The Learner Makes Errroneous Utlerances. In Crroneous Utlerances, The Teacher Should Interpret, By Comparing What Is Acrually Said With What The Learner Ought To Express. In Other Words. He Should Catch The Meaning Throught Identifying Or Detecting The Errors That The Speaker Has Made. It IS Very Important For Correcting The Crrors And Developing The Performance Of The Learners Of English In a Certain Way Such As Knowing The Classification Of Errors Themselves. This Thesis Will Discuss The Errors Of Addition And Errors Of Omission In The Erroncous Utterances Produced By Adult Learners Of English In The Language Center Connerned. The Errors Will Be Analyzed By Using Steps Of Error Analysis That Neludes Collection, Identificaton, Classification, Explanation, And Correction Of Error.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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