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dc.contributor.advisorTASNIM, Zakiyah-
dc.contributor.advisorFARDHANI, Aan Erlyana-
dc.contributor.authorDAMARSANTI, Wahyu Tri-
dc.description.abstracthis research was quasi-experimental with posttest-only design. The purpose of this research was to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using PORPE method on the tenth grade students‘ reading comprehension achievement of announcement text at SMAN 1 Arjasa. The area of this research was SMAN 1 Arjasa. The population of this research was the five natural science classes of the tenth grade students at SMAN 1 Arjasa. Since the result of ANOVA analysis was heterogeneous, so the research participants were selected based on the closest mean scores by using a lottery. Based on the lottery, X IPA 3 was chosen as the experimental group which was taught reading comprehension by using PORPE method and X IPA 4 was chosen as the control group which was taught reading comprehension by using Scientific Approach. The supporting data of this research were collected from the interview with the tenth grade English teacher which was conducted on May 5 , 2017 and documentation. From the interview, it was known that the school curriculum used for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Arjasa was the revised Curriculum 2013. The time allocation of teaching English was 2x45 minutes per meeting in once a week. The English books used were the compulsory book that was Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi 2016 published by Kemendikbud, other sources such as exercise books and internet, and teacher‘s personal exercise books. In grade ten, announcement texts were taught by using Scientific Approach, but these texts were not taught similar to teach long texts such as descriptive text, recount text, narrative text, and so on. In addition, from the school document it was known that there were 180 students which were distributed to eight classes: five classes of natural science and three classes of social science. This classification was based on Permendikbud No. 64 of 2014 and th considered the number of science teachers of SMAN 1 Arjasa was more than the number of social teachers. While the primary data of this research was obtained from the students‘ scores of the reading comprehension test. The test was in the form of multiple choice test consisting of 25 items and administered in 45 minutes on February 28 th , 2018 and March 2 nd , 2018 after being taught reading comprehension twice. The post-test result of Independent-Samples T Test of SPSS analysis showed that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.001 which was less than 0.05. This reult indicated that the alternative hypothesis (H ) was accepted, meaning that there was a significant effect of using PORPE method on the tenth grade students‘ reading comprehension achievement of announcement text at SMAN 1 Arjasa. So, it can be concluded that PORPE method was effective to be applied in teaching reading comprehension to the students. Therefore, it is suggested for the English teachers that PORPE method can be used as an alternative method in teaching reading comprehension in order to develop the students‘ reading comprehension skill so it can give a good impact on the students‘ reading comprehension achievement. The teachers should follow the steps of PORPE method properly so that it can give good result.en_US
dc.subjectUsing PORPE Methoden_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Using Porpe Method on the Tenth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement of Announcement Text at SMAN 1 Arjasaen_US
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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