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Title: English Code Mixing on the Advertisement Texts of Hotel 99 Jember
Authors: Mirwadiva, EKA
Keywords: English Code Mixing
Advertisement Texts
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2019
Publisher: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Abstract: This study concerns with the phenomenon of code mixing that occurs in the advertisement texts of Hotel 99 Jember. The object of this study is twenty advertisement texts of Hotel 99 Jember which are indicated using English code mixing to promote the hotel. These advertisement texts are posted in the official Instagram @hotel.99.jember. Theory of code mixing by Muysken (2000) is applied in this study. Further, this study also uses the proposition of Zohreh and Monireh (2013) about the reasons for using English code mixing in the advertisement. This study applies qualitative research. The data are taken from twenty advertisement texts of Hotel 99 Jember that contain of code mixing. They are collected through document, questionnaire and interview methods. Then, the advertisement texts are analysed using theory of code mixing from Muysken (2000) who states that there are three types of code mixing namely insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization. Further, the results of interview is analysed using the proposition of Zohreh and Monireh (2013) who find that the reasons for using English code mixing in the advertisement are attracting attention, persuasion, prestige and technology.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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