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Title: Screening of Drought Tolerant Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) using Morphological and Protein Characteristics
Authors: Avivi, Sholeh
Satyalowa, I Gusta Dimas
Restanto, Didik Pudji
Siswoyo, Tri Agus
Hartatik, Sri
Subagio, Achmad
Keywords: Stress
Field capacity
Indonesian Variety
Issue Date: 7-Oct-2019
Abstract: The best tolerance response on drought stress based on the fresh weight of storage root were shown by clone number 5, 10 and 11. While the susceptible varieties were clone number 8, 9 and 16.
Description: Proceedings The 2nd International Conference on Food Agriculture and Natural Resources 2016
ISBN: 978-602-203-996-9
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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