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Title: Improving the Eighth Grade Students’ Vocabulary Achievement by Using Cartoon Video with English Subtitle at MTS Al – Ishlah Mayang
Authors: SUHARJITO, Bambang
PUTRA, Bambang Arya Wija
ROHMAH, Istiana Inayatur
Keywords: Improving Achievement
Cartoon Video
Issue Date: 23-Aug-2019
Series/Report no.: 120210401078;
Abstract: Based on the findings of the previous studies, the use of cartoon video was effective to in enhancing students‟ vocabulary achievement and their participation during the teaching learning process. Further, after doing the preliminary study, it was found that the students had problems in memorizing words meaning and most of the students had lack motivation to enriching their vocabulary. Hence, this study used cartoon video with English subtitle to solve the students‟ problems. The objectives of this research were: (1) to improve the VIII grade students‟ active participation in teaching learning process by using cartoon video and (2) to improve the VIII grade students‟ vocabulary achievement by using cartoon video. The design of this research was Classroom Action Research which covered four stages of activities namely: (1) planning, (2) implementing, (3) observing, and (4) reflection. In conducting this research, the researcher involved the English teacher as the collaborator. The researcher did the teaching process, while the English teacher as the observer. The data collection methods in this research were the students‟ vocabulary test result and observation. This research was considered to be successful if at least 75% of the VIII F students achieved the standard score of the school, that is, 75. In addition 75% of the students were active in the teaching and learning process. This research was conducted in two cycles. The result of the observation showed that the students‟ participation improve 20,01% from 77, 09% in Cycle 1 to 98% in Cycle 2. It means that the success criteria of this research had been achieved. Meanwhile, in the first cycle the results of students‟ vocabulary test that get score least or higher than 65 was 23 students or 96% of 24 students while in the second cycle there was 24 students or % 100 of students who achieved the success criteria of this research. It indicated that the percentage of students‟ vocabulary achievement increased as much as % from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. Hence, the action research was stopped and it was not necessary to continue to the next cycle. This research found that using cartoon video with English subtitle could improve the students‟ active participation. The use of cartoon video in the teaching learning process of vocabulary could gain students interest and enthusiasm. It also could encourage the students‟ participation during the teaching learning process. Moreover, the use of cartoon video was able to improve the students‟ vocabulary achievement. After the implementation of cartoon video, it made the students easier to memorize the new words from the video. Therefore, the results of the students‟ vocabulary test also increase from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. As the result of this research showed that using cartoon video could improve the students‟ participation and vocabulary achievement. There are some suggestion for the English teacher and future researcher. The English teacher is suggested to use cartoon video as medium of instruction in teaching learning process especially in vocabulary test. Hopefully, it can help students to comprehend of what they have to listen by using visual clues of the video. So that, it can improve the students` active participation and vocabulary test achievement during the teaching learning process. Likewise, The result of this research hopefully can be used as a source of reference in doing another research related with the use of cartoon video in teaching learning process, either in different subject or different research design such as an experimental research on the effect of the use of cartoon video on the students` vocabulary test.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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