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Title: Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Tolerance Screening on Wetness Using Morphological, Physiological and Protein Markers
Authors: Avivi, Sholeh
Satyalowa, I Gusta Dimas
Restanto, Didik Pudji
Siswoyo, Tri Agus
Soeparjono, Sigit
Hartatik, Sri
Subagio, Achmad
Keywords: cassava varieties
protein band
Issue Date: 21-Aug-2019
Abstract: Wet land including on the marginal land. The land can be suffered by wet throughout the year as marshland, land tides on the beach or can form from land affected by heavy rainfall in a long time. Thus, in the future will be required plants that tolerance and produce the harvest from wet land. The objectives of study were (1) to identify cassava variety that tolerant of wet, (2) to know the character of morphology, physiology, and protein of clone cassava after tested with wet treatment. The research uses random design factorials consisting of two factors and three replication. The first factor was, 20 cassava varieties (V l- V20) collected from 20 cassava farmers in Indonesia. The second factor was field capacity consisting of C1=100% and C2 = 150% field capacity (FC). The result showed that every variety give different response after wet treatment. Wet treatment on cassava significantly increase parameter of plant height, number of leaves, level of green leaves, and stem diameter. Clone by best wet tolerance indicated by variety number 13, 14 and 17. While most susceptible to wet indicated by varieties code of 2, 6, and 8. Cassava's protein with molecule weight of 66,2 KDa appear thicker in tolerant plant after receiving treatment of 150% field capacity and appearing thinner (even not appear at all) in intolerant plant on wet.
Description: PROCEEDINGS The 6th Indonesian Biotechnology Conference 2016
ISBN: 978-602-14235-6-1
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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