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Title: Improving Vocational High School Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement and Students’ Active Participation Through Video of Descriptive Text
Authors: Sukmaantara, I Putu
Utama, Yanuar Rizal Putra
Keywords: Listening Comprehension Achievement
Participation through Video
Issue Date: 20-Aug-2019
Abstract: This research was a classroom action research. The objective of this study was to improve the vocational high school students‟ listening achievement and active participation by using video of descriptive text. It was administered to 29 students of X Beauty Class at SMKN 3 Jember. Based on the result of interview with the English teacher, it was found that the students were passively participated and less motivated during listening class. These problems affect their listening achievement. Based on their previous listening scores, only 20 out of 29 students (68.9%) who achieved the standard minimum score (75) and 9 students (31%) did not achieved the standard minimum score. In order to enhance students‟ listening achievement and participation, video of descriptive text were implemented in the teaching and learning process of listening as a media. The study was done collaboratively with the English teacher in one cycle. The cycle of classroom action research in this research was using Kemmis and McTaggart‟s (1988) action research. The cycle consisted of four steps: studying and plannning; taking action; collecting and analyzing evidences; and reflecting. The action was conducted in 2 meetings of observation and one meeting of the listening test. The result of observation and listening achievement test were analysed as follows. The observation was administered to evaluate students‟ participation in the teaching and learning process. The indicators of observation were: 1) The students watched the video attentively, 2) The students‟ took a note while watching the video, indicator 3) The students‟ could answered the questions given by the teacher, 4) The students‟ did the exercises. The students were categorized as active students if they fulfilled at least 3 indicators. The result of observation showed that 75.8% students in the first meeting and 86.2% students in the second meeting were actively participated during the teaching and learning process of listening. The researcher used the objective achievement test about listening because it does not take much time to correct. Moreover, the result of listening achievement test showed that the percentage of the students who achieved the target minimum score (≥75) was 82 %. Both the results of observation and listening achievement test had achieved the criteria of the success of classroom action research that was at least 75%. While used a video in teaching listening, the students‟ not only hear the voice from the video but they can watched the video thus, it can make their audiovisual sense more comprehend and also, video can attract students‟ motivation in studying listening because video is interesting media. Thus, it can be concluded that video of descriptive text helped students to improve their active participation and listening `achievement.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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