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Title: The Use Of Task-Based Learning (TBL) to Improve The 7th Grade Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Achievement at SMPN 2 JEMBER
Authors: Bambang Suharjito
Asih Santihastuti
FARIZKA, Nurmalinda Maharani
Keywords: Task-Based Learning (TBL)
Descriptive Text
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2019
Abstract: This classroom action research was intended to improve the seventh grade students’ descriptive text writing achievement and their active participation at SMPN 2 Jember in the 2017/2018 academic year through Task-Based Learning (TBL). Based on the preliminary study which was conducted on August, 31st 2017, most of the seventh grade students still experienced difficulties in writing. The information was gained by interviewing the English teacher, doing a diagnose test and observing the students in the teaching learning process. The result of interview indicated that most of the seventh grade students experienced difficulties in writing in terms of developing and organizing their ideas and choosing the appropriate vocabulary. It was supported by the result of the diagnose test that showed 73% (27 students) of 37 students got scores ≤ 78 with the average score of 69. Furthermore, the researcher observed the class directly to know the students’ participation. The result was there were about 46% students who were active in the writing class. This research was conducted collaboratively by the researcher with the English teacher. In other words, the researcher was as the doer while the English teacher was as the observer who observed the students’ participation during the implementation of the action. The respondents of this research were obtained by using purposive method that were 37 students of class VII E. In this research, the researcher collected the data by using the observation checklist and the writing tests. The data were analyzed to know the results of the students’ descriptive text writing
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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