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Title: The Effect of Using Video on Junior High School Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement
Authors: Eko Bindarti, Wiwiek
. I Putu Sukmaantara
Fanoni, Monica
Keywords: The Effect of Using Video
Issue Date: 15-Apr-2019
Abstract: Listening has an important role in the process of mastering English as it is one of the basic skills that is fundamental in acquiring the language as well as in the process of communication. Thus, listening is an important skill that students need to learn. Unfortunately, problems are often found during the teaching and learning process of listening. Students often find themselves unable to fully comprehend spoken text easily. They tend to have difficulties in maintaining their attention to what is being spoken in listening comprehension class. Sometimes they cannot also understand the content of the spoken text when they come across some unfamiliar words. Bearing these difficulties in mind, a suitable teaching medium is needed to help the students to learn listening comprehension well.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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