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Title: Senior High School Students’ Perception in Creating Digital Storytelling in Writing Class
Authors: Santihastuti, Asih
Wahjuningsih, Eka
Sari, Ardiana
Keywords: Senior High School Students’ Perception in Creating Digital Storytelling in Writing Class
Issue Date: 8-Apr-2019
Abstract: Teaching writing is a hard work because teacher needs many skills, thinking and decision making the material used and even learning activity. In choosing the learning activity, teacher needs to decide what activity the students might enjoy, motivate as well as resourceful at the same time. Besides, teaching and learning is an active activity that needs to be reviewed and evaluated. Therefore, teacher needs to review and evaluate the learning activity whether it makes the students feel enjoyed and motivated in teaching and learning process or not. In evaluating the learning experience, students need to be involved. As an evaluation or review of the learning experience, teacher can take students‟ perception about the teaching and learning activities that they encounter. Since learners have experienced certain activities, they can make sense of what they have perceived in learning activity. In teaching writing, one of English teachers in SMAN 1 Arjasa has asked the tenth grade students to create digital storytelling as an activity in her writing class. As a new technology and activity applied by the English teacher in writing class, the researcher tried to know the students‟ perception in creating digital storytelling in writing class regarding to motivation as an aspect in analyzing the students‟ perception.
Appears in Collections:MT-Teacher Training and Education

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