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Title: Standardizing Core Competence in the Curriculum of Academic Education for Prospective English Teachers In Indonesia
Authors: Setyono, Budi
Keywords: core competence
academic education curriculum
English teachers
Issue Date: 12-Mar-2019
Abstract: In the competitive era, stipulating standard competence of the university graduates in Indonesia has become the essential one. With the standardized competence, it is expected that equal capabilities will be owned by the university graduates of the same study fields throughout Indonesia. To realize this, the curriculum guide published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, 2012 has given a room for higher education institutions of the same study fields to work collaboratively to formulate core competences of their university graduates. The existing problem at the present time is that each study program tries to stipulate core competencies of its graduates based on its own decision. To overcome this problem, the National Standard of Higher Education has recommended the establishment of association of study program. With the spirit of standardizing the curriculum of academic education for prospective English teachers in Indonesia, it is expected that core competencies will be stipulated by the association of English education study program. If core competences have been developed, the curriculum developers at the level of study program can continue the process by formulating the supporting competences which mirror the vision, mission and uniqueness of each study program.
Description: Proceedings The 61st TEFLIN International Conference 2014
ISBN: 978-602-14018-1-1
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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