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Title: Pengaruh Substitusi Sebagian Bubuk Semen Ionomer Kaca Tipe II dengan Hidroksiapatit terhadap Kekerasan Permukaan (The Effect of Substitution Type II Glass Ionomer Cement with Hydroxyapatite to the Surface Hardness)
Authors: Metanda, Annisa Hanif
Maulana, Hafiedz
Sumono, Agus
Keywords: Hydroxyapatite
surface hardness
glass ionomer cement
Issue Date: 22-Jan-2019
Abstract: Background: Glass ionomer cement is a biocompatibl e filling material which able to release fluoride and bond chemically to the tooth. However, its strength and wear resistance is limited, especially the surface hardness. The material are generally used on the low stress area due to the mechanical properties are low. Hydroxyapatite addition, as secondary filler, is one way to i ncrease the mechanical properties. Hydroxyapatite can be synthesized from eggshell contained high calcium. Objective: to know the ability of hydroxyapatite addition to the surface hardness of type II glass ionomer. Methods: 24 disc-shaped of GIC samples (5mm in diameter and 2mm in height) were divided into 6 groups, 5 treatment groups (4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% of hydroxyapatite from eggshell shell) and a control group. Surface hardness was measured by using Vicker’s Microhardness Testing Machine. Results: There was significant difference between control and treatment groups, although there was similar hardness among the treatment groups. Conclusions: The addition of hydroxyapatite from the chicken egg shell enhanced the surface hardness of glass ionomer cement.
Description: Prosiding the 5th Dentistry Scientific Meeting of Jember, 2018
ISBN: 978-602-5617-17-1
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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