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Title: Prevalensi Oral Candidiasis pada Pasien Lanjut Usia yang Memakai Gigi Tiruan di Klinik Penyakit Mulut RSGM UNEJ Tahun 2017 (The Prevalence of Oral Candidiasis in Elderly Pasients Who Wear Denture in the Dept. of Oral Medicine RSGM UNEJ In 2017)
Authors: Setyowati, Dyah Indartin
Hamzah, Zahreni
Dewi, Leni Rokhma
Keywords: candida albicans
denture stomatitis
oral candidiasis
Issue Date: 22-Jan-2019
Abstract: Background: Age is one of the predisposing factors of the fungal infections i n the oral cavity. Wearing removable denture, full or partial denture and ignore the cleanliness of the denture and oral cavity will increase candidiasis infection risks of elderly patients. Objective: The aims of thi s study was to determine the prevalence of oral candidiasis cases in elderly patients who wear partial or full denture in the Department of Oral Medicine Dental Hospital (RSGM) FKG UNEJ. Methods: The study was a descriptive analysis on the data obtained from the results of anamnese, clinical and laboratory examination, and diagnose on patients wearing denture over 3 years at the Department of Oral Medicine. Results: There were a total of 103 elderly patients in the clinic of oral medici ne with oral lesions. Oral candidiasis was the highest case approx 57,3 % of the total cases. The details were as follow; male patient was 91,3%, patients in the age 55-65 were approx 45,8%, and denture stomatitis was 10%. Conclusion: Denture increased the risk of infection of oral candidiasis in elderly male patients in the Department of Oral Medicine RSGM UNEJ.
Description: Prosiding the 5th Dentistry Scientific Meeting of Jember, 2018
ISBN: 978-602-5617-17-1
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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