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Title: Hubungan Pengetahuan tentang Hygiene dengan Sikap Personal Hygiene saat Menstruasi pada Santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Al-Qodiri Kabupaten Jember
Authors: Rasni, Hanny
Wuri W, Ns. Emi
Lestari, Depi
Keywords: adolescent, knowledge, attitude, personal hygiene
Issue Date: 7-Nov-2018
Abstract: Adolescent is a transitional period of human development that generally occurs during the stage from puberty to adulthood, it is indicated by menstruation. Someone with a good knowledge of menstruation has a good attitudes and behaviour for their personal hygiene during in menstruation. This research is aimed to determine the correlation between knowledge of hygiene with attitude of personal hygiene during menstruation of the female adolescents at Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School of Jember District.The independent variables of this reseacrh are knowledge of hygiene and the dependent variable is the attitude personal hygiene. This study design used analytic observasional research method with the cross sectional. Its samples were determined throught the purposive sampling. Consisted of 239 participants at Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School. Result of this study showed that the majority of female adolescent has a enought knowledge 69,9% about hygiene and attitude personal hygiene negative 54%. Bivariate analyze using Somers'd test showed that there was correlation between knowledge hygiene with attitude personal hygiene during menstruation of the female adolescents at Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School of Jember District (p value <0.001). The betterknowledge about menstruation the betterhygiene attitude during menstruation.Nurses should be able to provide education and coaching reproductive health in adolescent to reduce the incidence of Urinary Tract Infection (ISR).
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Nursing

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