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Title: Kelompok Swabantu Dalam Pencegahan Tingkat Kecacatan Klien Kusta di Kabupaten Jember
Authors: Susanto, Tantut
Keywords: Leprosy
Self Help Group
Issue Date: 11-Apr-2018
Abstract: Leprosy is chronic diseases that damage disability and limitation. Disability from client's leprosy can be reduced by self-care activities at support group like self help group. This research was to analyze the influences self help group for the degree of disability and limitation client's leprosy at Jember.
Description: Prosiding Seminar & Presentasi Ilmiah Kongres Nasional II Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Komunitas Indonesia 2013
ISBN: 978-602-9420-50-0
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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