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Title: Social Supervision of Budget and Village Expenditures
Authors: Prasetyo, Whedy
Keywords: Social Supervision
Implementation of APBDesa
Mysticism Togetherness
Issue Date: 28-Dec-2017
Abstract: This study aims to show social supervtston in the implementation of APBDesa Klompanganat Jember Regency, through descriptive study with case study approach.The results show that the community supervision in APBDesa Klompangan has a direction tofulfill the needs and expectations of the community. This atmosphere has the potential to produce the exact percentage of use and affirmative programs as well as a communication medium that can reduce the potential for conflict.Openness ill running APBDesa make interaction is like brother and not push each other[de-pade tak meksa]. The mystique of togetherness produces reflective rationality thinking of the village officials in dealing with its citizens. This thinking makes the implementation of APBDesa a program from, b)' and to return to all citizens. This belief is a just. prosperous and prosperous[makmur]manifestation without an)' deviation in its implementation.
Description: Proceeding International Conference On Ethnicity and Globalization, Surabaya 3 - 4 October 2017
ISBN: 978-602-50627-0-4
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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